Trauma Informed Care

in California and Florida

What is Complex Trauma?

Complex trauma (also referred to as early childhood trauma, developmental trauma, intergenerational trauma) occurs when a person has repeated exposure to experiences that are emotionally and/or physically harmful. This can also include emotional and physical neglect or abandonment, and often leads someone into a place of feeling fearful & unsafe.

Complex trauma is the result of chronic relational suffering, which is why feelings of worthlessness, guilt, embarrassment, and shame are often present. Having a difficult time connecting in relationships and feeling a sense of trust, safety, and security are also common and challenging struggles.

Complex Trauma and the Psychological Impacts

Traumatic experiences can impact a person in many different ways and throughout their life when left unresolved. Traumatic events get stuck and remembered in the body. For example, you might feel tightness in your chest, a throbbing headache, or a pit in your stomach that appears out of nowhere. You likely notice that relationships are challenging, whether feeling distrustful, insecure, avoidant, feeling anxious that your partner or friends might leave or abandon you at any time. You might feel misunderstood often, communication is tough, or emotions take over rather quickly and you’re either shutting down, running away, or saying something you might later regret. 

What to Expect: Trauma-Informed Care

I infuse trauma-informed care that is thoughtful, intentional, evidence-based, and built from many years of studying and implementing scientific modalities from trauma experts in the field of psychology. I have specifically sought out trainings and certifications that prioritize trauma therapy from a relational lens. This work aims at helping survivors regain control over their lives while healing and feeling liberated from traumatic experiences. You will see improvement in how you function in the day to day, how your relationships are, and you will feel more connected and more in control of your life.

  • Modern Psychodynamic Theories: Relational-Cultural Theory and Attachment Theory

    Somatic Experiencing

    Somatic EMDR

    Nervous System Regulation


  • Certified Clinical Trauma Professional

    Somatic-Attachment Practitioner

    Somatic-EMDR Practitioner