Therapy for Lawyers

in California and Florida

Taking Care of You So You Can Be Optimal in Your Life & Career

Specialized Therapy for Lawyers in California and Florida

  • The constant demand to perform at high levels can result in chronic stress, affecting both physical and mental health. This could look like frequent headaches, chronic fatigue, irritability, difficulties with sleep, lowered immune system, or impacts to your appetite.

  • The fear and worry of making mistakes, losing cases, or not meeting expectations can lead to severe anxiety. This can result in feeling guilty for spending time doing other things (even things you enjoy) outside of work.

  • The isolation, long hours, and emotional toll of the job can contribute to feelings of depression. This could look like anger, sadness, isolation, low motivation, and constant tiredness.

  • Overworking and neglecting personal wellness can lead to burnout, characterized by emotional exhaustion, decreased performance, not enjoying what you do, and cynicism.

Lawyers are often under immense pressure to meet deadlines, handle demanding clients, get those billable hours in, and navigate the complexities of the legal system. This high-pressure environment can often lead to:

As a Licensed Psychologist, I understand the unique challenges that legal professionals face and offer personalized therapy services designed to address these specific needs.

Common Outcomes of Therapy for Lawyers

Stress Management

Therapy can help aid in understanding the sources of stress in order to develop effective stress management techniques. This can include time management skills, better organization approaches, and finding personalized ways to effectively release stress.

Anxiety Reduction

Through therapy, lawyers can learn to manage anxiety by identifying triggers, challenging negative thought patterns, and practicing techniques that help to decrease anxiety levels. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Mindfulness-based practices are just some examples of what can be effective forms of anxiety treatment.

Depression Treatment

Therapy can work to address the underlying causes of depression. This can involve exploring past experiences, developing healthier and more helpful thought patterns, and implementing lifestyle changes to improve mood, motivation, and energy levels.

Burnout Prevention

Therapy can help one recognize the signs of burnout and take proactive steps to prevent it. This can include creating a helpful and daily structure, setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and developing a prioritized approach to work and personal life.

How I can be of support:

  • We will get to know your emotions and how you talk to yourself in a new and approachable way, while building understanding of them and managing them more effectively. 

  • This not only will release you from the messages of “you’re not good enough” (or other unhelpful statements), but will also show you a new, more meaningful way of connecting in your relationships and in your life again. 

  • Let’s take care of you so that you can experience life in a new and improved way. I’m here for you on this journey!