Online Therapy for Women

in California and Florida

Moving Through The Stress Of Life With Ease And Empowerment

Have you been struggling with the every day demands that are consuming your life?

You’re feeling the pressure to show up perfectly in both work and in your personal life every single moment, every single day. You’ve been finding yourself feeling exhausted and unsatisfied. You recall a time when you were happy and less stressed, but now you don’t know how to get back there or who you really are anymore. That version of yourself seems to have gotten lost by the stress of life and the demands of your career, family, partner, kids, etc. You don’t have to carry all the needs of everyone else all by yourself.

Communicating Boundaries and Expressing Your Needs

Together, we can get clear on where your threshold is at any given moment while creating more space for you and your needs. Learning how to communicate boundaries and express your needs will lead to greater improvement in both your relationship with yourself and with those in your life. When we take the time to take care of ourselves, we create the ability to show up in more optimal ways for others. 

Get the Support You Need to Achieve Your Goals

Whether you’re wanting to learn tools for managing stress more effectively, get to know yourself again, build better relationships, explore aspects of your career, or become the person you know lives inside of you, I am here to support you in achieving ALL of your goals. Let’s get to know you again and get you on the track of being more present, grounded, and satisfied in the life that you dream of.  

Therapy for Women

  • You want to build a better relationship with yourself, that then extends to better relationships with others. Feeling like you’re not good enough, unworthy, not deserving? That annoying inner critical voice just won’t go away. It shows up often and can leave you feeling like you’re in a whirlwind of constant second guessing, replaying events in your head, and having those ever consuming racing thoughts that show up when you’re just trying to go to sleep. You just want it to stop.

    We can work together to boost your self-confidence, quiet and even change the narrative that has been shaping the mean and super critical voice. Let’s start to build the kind of relationship with yourself that is supportive, kind, and empowering. One that feels like a loving best friend. Through this process, that inner voice will transform and look more like how you speak to someone you love- imagine that.

  • Are you finding that you’re struggling in your relationships? That they are just not where you’d like them to be? Maybe you’re feeling dissatisfaction, stress, and have needs that often go unmet. Whether that’s in dating, with your partner, family, friendships, or with coworkers, relationships can have a profound impact on our lives (whether negative or positive). If you’re often feeling misunderstood, unheard, overlooked, hurt, or in relationships that are unhealthy and not aligned with your values, we can explore why this might be and find a new way of feeling more connected.

    How Relationships Improve

    Attachment styles in relationships are developed often early in our lives, can impact communication, and can explain why a person is drawn to certain relationships or why patterns repeat themselves. When we learn more about our own struggles and patterns, it creates a sense of clarity and empowerment to shift and change what is not working. You can navigate relationship obstacles with therapy that places focus on them to help create more fulfilling connections and enhance your overall satisfaction. 

  • The constant stress, the intense worry, feeling helpless, the panic, the endless what ifs, the dread, being on autopilot, and all the physical symptoms that embody these feelings. It’s consuming, exhausting, shows up when least expected, and can be pretty debilitating. There’s a lot that can be done to decrease the impact of stress and anxiety, and keep it at bay more often.

    In our work together, I draw from scientific-based practices that target stress and anxiety, and teach you effective tools. We will get to know how stress and anxiety show up uniquely for you, build on that awareness in the moment, and develop a number of different ways to target these symptoms. A primary goal is for you to walk away from our work with your own unique coping tool kit, and that you will experience a significant decrease in frequency and intensity of these emotions. 

  • Trauma’s psychological impacts

    Experiences that have been traumatic can impact a person in many different ways and throughout their life when left untreated. One way the impacts of trauma might show up is physically in the body. For example, you might feel tightness in your chest, a throbbing headache, or a pit in your stomach that appears out of nowhere. You might even notice that you’re struggling in your relationships, whether that might be feeling distrustful, feeling anxious that your partner or friends might leave or abandon you at any time, you might feel misunderstood often, emotions take over rather quickly and you’re either shutting down, running away, or saying something you might later regret. 

    I infuse trauma-informed care that is thoughtful, intentional, and from many years of studying and implementing scientific modalities from experts within the field of psychology. This work aims at helping survivors regain control over their lives while healing and feeling liberated from traumatic experiences. You will see improvement in how you function, how your relationships are, and feel more in control of your life.